Q&A with radiant pop singer & Instagram hit Gina Naomi Baez

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Jordan Sparks, Carly Rae Jepsen, Gina Baez

Image by: Sam Carrell

A ball of energy and positive vibes would best describe singer and performer Gina Naomi Baez’s overall vibe and sound. Her latest single ‘UNIQUEorn’ is a radiant pop track that will certainly put a smile on even the saddest face. Baez had overcome many challenges with her health in the past years and perseveres with a thriving Youtube channel and Instagram account. This songbird has also branched her talent into acting, landing acting roles in popular shows like Spike Lee’s She’s Gotta Have It and one of the most iconic queer-positive series of our time – Orange Is the New Black.

Stream ‘UNIQUEorn’

We chatted more with firecracker Gina Naomi Baez below.

Tell us about your highlights for the year

After putting it off for a little while, I finally conquered my fear and had my thyroid removed at the beginning of this year. I had a few thyroid nodules that were getting bigger and I had no choice but to have the surgery. I had been hesitant about the surgery because removing your thyroid could possibly damage your vocal chords and I was terrified. Long story short, I found a surgeon I trusted with my voice and took the leap. Thank God I did because it ended up they found cancer in the nodules and were confident they removed it all. After surgery, I have been working with a vocal therapist to restore my voice and recently got the ok to start singing full time whenever I’d like again. It’s been a rough road but it has honestly been the highlight of my year because I am grateful to not only have my voice back but also be cancer-free. I also did a lot of songwriting during recovery and took a few classes on songwriting/producing,  so I am excited for all the music I have to release in the future!!

If you could paint a picture with of your sound, what would it look like?

If I could paint a picture with my sound I see it as a rainbow. I think my music and voice is multi-textured and every song highlights a different hue of feelings, emotions and sounds.

What are the 5 albums and artists that have influenced you the most?

Taylor Swift- All the albums, Sia – Colour the Small One,  Katy Perry – Teenage Dream, Meghan Trainor – Title, and all of Barbra Streisand and Celine Dion’s music.

What other artists do you really like at the moment and why?

Artists I am really loving at the moment are Lauren Aquilina, Rachael Jenkins, Lennon Stella,  Holly Humberstone, Ingrid Andress, and Olivia Rodrigo.

How did you get to your first gig ?

I got my first gig after posting myself singing ‘Let it Go’ from Frozen on the internet!

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself that no-one would expect.

I am a childhood cancer survivor!

What do you consider your biggest achievement so far?

I consider my biggest achievement so far is not giving up. Being an artist and performing is a tough dream and career to pursue with lots of ups and downs. Sticking to it, following your dreams, doing what makes you truly happy and not being afraid is an achievement in itself.

Famous last words?

Keep going.

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