Q&A with 5-piece pop/RnB girl group Calyco

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Uk-based 5-piece pop/RnB girl group  Calyco With 5 lead singers and 5 strong personalities, Calyco write and perform their own songs. They provide quality pop music and positive role models for their 6-year old to the 14-year old market.

Calyco is trying to get away from the usual and tired route of reality television music competitions and trying to connect with their fans by performing locally and releasing music and videos online.

Tell us about your highlights for the year

Recording and releasing our ‘Flo’ video. This was such a fun day and it’s great to finally share with everyone what we have working on what we are about.

If you could paint a picture with / of your sound, what would it look like?

a colourful canvas with many shapes and unique designs. Our band is full of uniqueness and contrast that somehow works together harmoniously.

What are the 5 albums and artists that have influenced you the most?

1. Destiny’s Child (writings on the wall), 2. Ariana Grande (sweetner), 3. Mariah Carey (daydream). 4 Alicia Keys (diary of Alicia keys). 5. TLC (crazysexycool)

What other artists do you really like at the moment and why?

There are just soo many!? We are all really into Billie Eilish, Nasty Cherry, Exo, Dua Lipa, Mahalia and of course Drake. We have promised that we are all going to the next concert in London.

How did you get to your first gig and how was it?

It was an open mic night in London. It was a great opportunity for us to experience singing together as a group in front of a live audience. It went really well and it motivated us to continue to perform wherever we can.

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself that no-one would expect.

A LOT of rehearsal time is spent laughing and joking around. Everything you see on the vlogs is 100% real.

What do you consider your biggest achievement so far?

Finding each other. It’s amazing to be with 4 other people who share the same drive, work ethic and passion for music. We continue to help and inspire each other

Famous last words?

Dream, Believe, Achieve (we all read the secret)

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