Music producer Russell Louder releases refined electro-pop album, HUMOR

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Image credit: Christine Turek 

Drawing close comparisons vocally, and production-wise to the likes of iconic acts like Annie Lennox and also the renowned Sophie, singer Russell Louder strikes all the right notes. The singer has dropped their vocally striking and dance-coma-inducing electro-pop album HUMOR with the public via Lisbon Lux Records. This album release took years to be fully realized, but Russell Louder would not have it any other way.

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The singer spoke about their feelings around the album release with POP Music (read interview): “I feel great about releasing this collection of work.  It is a culmination of the past 4.5 years of songwriting and production. I have worked tremendously hard on it”

We do not know which direction they will go next with their upcoming releases as of yet. All we can expect however is to lose ourselves in their emotive flow. Along with these qualities, their haunting vocal range lingers in the listener’s mind while the dance party comes to a halt. The ability to make music that can make one feel the urge to dance along and think clearly, makes Russell Louder a memorable artist indeed.

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