Down the rabbit hole of social media with indiepop musician Wolf Saga

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                                         Image credit: Michael Alexander

Let’s explore the pros and cons of social media. On the one hand, it’s proved to be an invaluable tool to stay connected with friends and family during a worldwide pandemic. On the other hand, it can serve to enhance the perceived differences in each other. If we’re not meeting with each other on a daily or weekly basis and getting genuine insight into people’s lives, it can be easy to become lost in the “manufactured” appearance of normality.

Stream / Download the Wolf Saga LP

Wolf Saga explores these perils in ‘Alice In Nowhere Land’, a single lifted from his recently released self-titled EP. The single “explores the reliance on technology and social media that we’ve come to accept as commonplace” however, this serious subject matter is juxtaposed by light-hearted indiepop tunes and unjudging lyrics. However, Wolf Saga is clearly not completely against social media as the indie musician manages to strike a positive balance on Facebook. He advises fans: “Appreciate the little things, and never lose hope. I can’t see my grandma this holiday in person, but I’m glad we can video chat.” 

Pushing for authenticity and eager to see a change in the world, Wolf Saga is using his skills at hand to encourage others to do the same. Catch it all in the Wolf Saga LP for a selection of other profound songs. For now, here’s ‘Alice In Nowhere Land’.

LISTEN: Wolf Saga’s ‘Alice In Nowhere Land’

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