CUTTS Break Your Heart with New Video ‘Breathe’

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Comprised of Lillian Cutts and Peter Bonaventure, CUTTS is the kind of hauntingly beautiful alt-pop duo that doesn’t just happen by chance. After writing a few songs together in Bonaventure’s DC apartment, the two parted ways due to Bonaventure leaving the State for New York. But then in 2017, tragedy struck and Cutts decided to use music as therapy. Enter’s Bonaventure again and CUTTS is born. 

Their latest video released 22 February and entitled ‘Breathe’ is difficult to watch without trying to piece together the unknown facts about Lillian Cutt’s loss. A loss that resonates throughout the video and leaves you mourning with her. It’s not depressing, it’s exquisitely real and you feel every single second, frame for frame as her soulful tones sing her love letter. The viewer gets the sense that we’re not really supposed to be seeing this. It’s not for us. It’s for whomever’s memory drove her to write the words.

Watch the video here.

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